Carson City
External Links
Planning Related Links
The planning-related links below are those we believe will be most helpful to the public, the development community, and others interested in the Carson City area. The following categories are available:
» Local Agencies and Organizations
» Regional Agencies and Authorities
» State Government Departments and Divisions
» Federal Government Agencies
» National Organizations
» The Builders' Association of Western Nevada (BAWN)
BAWN is a non-profit construction trades association, providing services for the building industry and is dedicated to promoting and enhancing the professionalism of the building and associated industries in western Nevada through the support and representation of the industry in both government and private sectors.
» Carson City Airport Authority
The Carson City Airport is a public use, 24 hour airport with a 6,100 ft. long x 75 ft. wide runway; pilot controlled lighting; Instrument Approaches and an IFR Departure Procedure; Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS) with Terminal Area Forecasts provided by the National Weather Service; and several full service FBO’s with small to large aircraft maintenance capabilities.
» Carson City Chamber of Commerce
The Carson City Area Chamber of Commerce is the recognized business voice in the community. The mission of the Chamber is to build a healthy economy and a high quality of life in Carson City. The Chamber regularly reviews and takes positions on legislation and regulations affecting the state and local business environment. Those positions are communicated to elected officials, to the membership, and to the community through a variety of means.
» Carson City Convention and Visitors Bureau
The Convention and Visitors Bureau provides tourism-related information for the Carson City area, including attractions, lodging, dining, gaming, shopping, events, historical information and more.
» Reno-Tahoe International Airport
The nearest airport to Carson City with regularly-scheduled passenger service is the Reno-Tahoe International Airport, which is 28.25 miles north of downtown Carson City, located at 2001 East Plumb Lane, just east of US 395 in Reno.
» Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
Established in 1969, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) is the first bi-state regional environmental planning agency in the country and is overseen by a 15-member Governing Board (seven from Nevada, seven from California, and one non-voting presidential appointee). The Agency has authority to set environmental quality standards and related ordinances in the Lake Tahoe basin, which includes parts of several counties and towns in California and Nevada, including the western part of Carson City.
» Western Planner Online
The Western Planner is published eight times a year by the non-profit organization Western Planning Resources, Inc. (WPR) and serves as a network for planning professionals in several western states from New Mexico to Alaska, including Nevada. The magazine has approximately 1600 readers.
» Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT)
The Nevada Department of Transportation controls and maintains several rights-of-way within Carson City. These include: US 395 (Carson street / Carson freeway), US 50, SR 28 (North Shore Road), SR 511 (West Washington Street), SR 512 (Kings Canyon Road), SR 513 (Fifth Street / Carson River Road, in part), SR 516 (West Winnie Lane), SR 518 (Snyder Avenue), SR 520 (Stewart Street), SR 525 / 531 (College Parkway), and SR 530 (William Street) and other minor segments. In addition to City sign ordinance restrictions, signs placed in State rights-of-way and billboards adjacent to them require NDOT approval.
» Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP)
The Division of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Safe Drinking Water reviews Tentative Subdivision map applications in all areas of the state (except Clark and Washoe counties). This site provides information on the subdivision review process and its requirements.
» Nevada Division of State Lands
The Division of State Lands provides land use planning services to the State, its agencies, its people and to Nevada local governments.
» Nevada Division of Water Resources (NDWR)
The NDWR is responsible for quantifying existing water rights; monitoring water use; distributing water in accordance with court decrees; reviewing water availability for new subdivisions and condominiums. The division reviews Tentative subdivision map applications, and this site provides information on the subdivision review process and its requirements.
» Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS)
State law is codified in the Nevada Revised Statutes. State regulations, promulgated by a state department, division, or agency are contained in the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC). The NAC uses a numbering system that is parallel to the NRS numbering system. Both web sites are maintained by the Nevada Legislature.
» Nevada State Demographer
The Nevada State Demographer's office is responsible for conducting annual population estimates for Nevada's counties, cities, and towns. The office also estimates population by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin of Nevada's counties.
» Nevada State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)
The State Historic Preservation Office is a state agency created by the National Historic Preservation Act. Congress enacted this law to assist citizens and government agencies in preserving important historic properties. The National Park Service administers, reviews, and provides the majority of funding for such programs. The State office administers Cultural Affairs grants, National Park Service grants, National and Nevada State Registers of Historic Places, the Historical Marker Program, and other programs.
» For more State of Nevada web sites, visit the official state homepage.
» Bureau of Land Management / Nevada, Carson City Field Office
Within the State of Nevada, almost 48 million acres of public land are administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an agency of the U.S. Department of the Interior. BLM public lands comprise 67 percent of the area of the state. The Carson City Field Office is located at 5665 Morgan Mill Road, Carson City, Nevada 89701, (775) 885-6000.
» Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Carson Ranger District
The Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest encompasses all national forests of Nevada as well as the far eastern edge of California and is largest forest in the lower 48 states. The Carson Ranger District is responsible for the north and eastern side of Lake Tahoe. The district office is located at 1536 South Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701, (775) 882-2766.
» United States Census Bureau
View demographic "Quick Facts" online for Carson City, such as population numbers, economic, social and housing data, as well as links to further sources of information.
» United States Geological Survey (USGS) / Nevada
View geological data and natural science information specific to the state of Nevada online. The Carson City office is located at 2730 North Deer Run Road, Carson City, Nevada 89701, (775) 887-7600.
» For other federal web sites, see – the U.S. government's official web portal.
» American Planning Association (APA)
The American Planning Association is a nonprofit public interest and research organization committed to urban, suburban, regional, and rural planning. The APA and its professional institute, the American Institute of Certified Planners, advance the art and science of planning to meet the needs of people and society.
» American Planning Association, Nevada Chapter
The Nevada Chapter of the American Planning Association promotes public involvement and excellence in planning to improve the quality of life in the State of Nevada through professional development and education.
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